Our Careclean team
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Ever wondered what we do behind the scenes? Today’s blog features Julie; Julie and her husband Kevin are Careclean’s Founders and Directors. They started Careclean Essex 33 years ago. Read on to hear about a typical Careclean day for Julie…

Our Careclean team – Julie’s Day

At Careclean, every day is different for me, so a typical day is hard to describe, but i’ll do my best! I tend to work around 3 days a week, although if staff are on holiday or we have a particularly busy week, I can work a lot more.

Primarily my main role is to keep all the accounts in order. I do our monthly accounts, end of year accounts, work out our VAT payments, liaise with our accountant etc. As part of this I process all our staff’s wages and deal with all the staffing paperwork.

…. but my job is not just about crunching the numbers; after a morning spent working on the accounts, I like to get away from the computer. I love to organise (at home as well as at work!); I believe an uncluttered workspace leads to an uncluttered mind! So I keep the office space tidy and do the filing. Obviously, whilst doing this, there are opportunities to catch up with Deb in the office. If she’s busy, I help out with any work she needs doing…. and where possible we make time for a chat and a cup of tea as well!

The afternoon is usually spent on a mixture of tasks… they seem like small jobs but are essential to the running of the business:

  • Washing the nappies… What do you use these for I hear you say?! Well we actually use Terry Towels – they are an excellent aid when cleaning leather believe it or not!
  • Visit the dump, to dispose of cleaning/office rubbish
  • Shopping to buy supplies for the office and for cleaning – e.g black bags, kitchen roll, washing up liquid, cleaning items etc.

… so as you can see it’s not all glitz and glamour!

As I said every day is different. Last week for example, I drove to Royston with Kevin as we had to have one of our vans repaired. Our vans have truck-mounted cleaning systems built in. They are very advanced cleaning machines, but because they are so specialised, if repairs are needed we have to travel that little bit further!

I love my job because it gives me a lot of freedom and is flexible around my family, children, and grandchild. I also love keeping everything in order, and it gives me lots of scope to organise!

Thanks Julie! Keep a look out for our next ‘A Day in the life of…’ article coming soon!


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